


June 10, 2024 

NJLA and NJASL Joint Statement on Freedom To Read Act

The New Jersey Library Association (NJLA) and the New Jersey Association of School Librarians (NJASL) are pleased that the New Jersey Assembly Education Committee voted to approve legislative bill A3446 on Thursday, June 7. This bill, the Freedom to Read Act, ensures that every New Jersey resident continues to enjoy the freedom to read for education and entertainment.


December 8, 2023


The Executive Board approved NJLA's 2024 salary guide on Nov. 21. The guide is effective Jan. 1. The guide recommends minimum starting salaries which are 4% higher than those in the 2023 guide. NJLA recommends staff receive 2024 annual increases of at least 4%, or the minimum starting recommendation for the position, whichever is greater. New Jersey’s 2024 minimum wage will be $15.13 per hour. The cost of living and library revenue (from dedicated taxes and other government sources) vary greatly within New Jersey. This document is prepared as a guide for library workers, and for library boards and administrations in determining salary standards that can be supported by their individual organizations.


February 3, 2023


NJLA categorically rejects any efforts to censor or remove materials from any library, based on content. We strongly affirm the Library Bill of Rights and the Freedom to Read Statement, first published by the American Library Association in 1953. Libraries provide access to books and other library resources and services for the interest, information, education, and enlightenment of all people within the communities we serve. We do not exclude materials because of their origin, background, or the views of those contributing to their creation.


Established in 1890, the NJLA is the oldest and largest library organization in New Jersey.

The New Jersey Library Association:

  • Advocates for the advancement of library services for the residents of New Jersey
  • Provides continuing education & networking opportunities for librarians
  • Supports the principles of intellectual freedom & promotes access to library materials for all
  • Creates opportunities for new and future librarians
  • Strengthens our professional community

Our office in Bordentown, NJ provides services to over 1700 members.


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NJLA Executive Board Full statement - Black Lives Matter

Black lives matter. NJLA acknowledges the structural racism in our organization and profession, and NJLA must do better.

NJLA Executive Board Full statement - Black Lives Matter The New Jersey Library Association stands in solidarity with the Black community, librarians, library workers, library users and with members of the communities we serve. We want our Black, People of Color and marginalized members to know you are valued, affirmed and supported. NJLA acknowledges that in order to continue moving forward, there needs to be consistent work towards recognizing our own biases, welcoming change and taking actions that impact policies and create positive change in the direction of equity and inclusion.

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